Posters & Covers

Self Love Book Promotional Poster

This poster was made in an eductional setting to promate a publication about loving ones self. Taking inspiration from Paula Scher’s typogrphic mutations.

Alice In Chains Tour Promotional

This Poster was also made in an educational setting for a fake festival tour. The leading band was Alice In Chains. Using typograhic skills this poster is intended to draw viewers in with a consistent diagnol to all the large and small type.

Handsfree Poster

A typographic experimentation to create the word Handsfree using nothing but photos of morphed hands. It is a collage.


Alice In Chains Billboard Magazine Cover  (Fake)

A grunge styled cover For Alice In Chains using typorgraphic technics to create a pop.

Stellar Magazine Cover

A cover for a fashion magazine made from the feature wells own photos and fashion line.

Self Love Book Cover

A book made to teach readers to love themselves. Cover was designed with color and shape in mind.