Web & Mobile Screen Design
A magazine I made that can be viewed in the publications section. The magazine needed a web version as most things do in this age and these prototypes were made in figma using a background of knowledge from UI/UX strategies. Aimed at accessibility and readability the site was made with the main focus being articles and photos. It incorperates the magaziens styles aswell with plenty of vertical text and style of layouts. the first couple examples are of the desktop prototype and the last two exapmles show off the mobile verion of the article.
A fake redesign of the Hawaiian bakery Leonards website. This design made in figma focused on the idea of polaroids wich connected well to the brand itslef as they have many polaroids up and about their business. Using the brands identity I made a full functioning prototype of the entire website from home page to menu all the way to the footers and about pages.
A redesign of the Deftones desktop layout that is more specifically made to promote the tour they would be going on. Using a lot of video and animation effects in this protoype was the goal.
A fun made up organization to create a personal prototype and expirement with a dark and black web page. This project expiremented a lot with values and photo to create the feel of being the deep ocean itself. A very simple prototype but also a very expiremental one in terms of design and style.
Practicing the process from sketches to Lo-fi to Hi-fi prototyping. This is the final outcome of said process and showcase a creative take on a fake profile poage for a fake music app. This project took an emphasis on button layout and design.
This is a fake usage and representaion of the NFL brand. Here the goal was to practice designing for accesibility when on screens, balancing bewteen dark and light modes. This is a quick article that uses the button feature flipping between both version for those who need it.